Attendance Policy
Attendance/Tardy Policy for the Access Learning Academy (ALA)
Students taking classes at Heartland Career Center or Wabash City Schools will be held to those school attendance policies during their assigned class times.
AM Class-The ALA doors open at 8:00am. Students are tardy at 8:31am. Students arriving after 9:05am will be counted absent.
PM Class-The ALA doors open at noon; students are tardy at 12:31pm. Students arriving after 1:05pm will be counted absent.
Students who wish to participate in ALA fieldtrips may not be tardy the day of the event.
Tardiness (per semester):
Students who are tardy will turn in their cell phones to staff for the day; they will be given back at the end of the class time.
Students who are tardy will forfeit their breaktime for that day
1st-3rdOffense: Students will receive a reminder of the policy from the ALA Director
4th-6thOffense: The ALA Director will contact the student’s parent/guardian with a reminder of the policy.
7th-9thOffense: A behavior policy will be put in place.
10thOffense: Student will be given a referral to Day Reporting
A student absent from school must have a parent or guardian call the day of the absence. If your student attends classes at both ALA and Wabash City Schools, the parent/guardian is to call WCS. Absences that are not the result of illness of student or a death in the immediate family may be considered truant/unexcused unless the absence is prearranged.
Truancy: The definition of truancy is a student’s absence from school without the permission of a parent/guardian. Truancy is a crime and may be referred to the Wabash County Probation Dept. if it is determined that a student is truant:
1st-2nd offense: A parent/guardian will be contacted and given a reminder of the policy
3rd-4thoffense: A parent/guardian will be contacted and a referral will be submitted to Day Reporting for each offense
5th offense: A parent/guardian conference with ALA and WCS staff will be scheduled to discuss feasibility of student remaining at ALA.
Unexcused Absences:
An absence may be considered unexcused if the student is absent from school without legitimate reason.
An absence may also be considered unexcused if a parent/guardian fails to notify ALA on the day of the absence.
An absence may be considered unexcused if the student fails to provide proper documentation when required.
A student will be required to bring a doctor’s note to ALA after 5 unexcused absences (per semester). Failure to provide a note will result in a behavioral contract at ALA and/or a referral to Day Reporting. Student may also be considered truant.
Excused Absences:
-Illness of student verified by parent/guardian phone call or doctor’s note. A doctor’s note is required after the 5th absence (per semester).
-Death in the immediate family (defined as parents/step-parents, siblings/step-siblings, grandparents/step-grandparents and/or anyone whose primary residence is with the student).
-Maternity related absences
-Military service related absences
Cell Phone Policy
Student Responsibilities
Student Behavior, Responsibilities, and Regulations
All provisions of the sending school’s student handbook will apply to each school’s respective students assigned to The Access Learning Academy.
Student placement will occur following a conference during which the student will be given a verbal explanation of regulations, policies, responsibilities, and expectations of The Access Learning Academy. It is the student’s responsibility to familiarize his or herself with student handbook material and policies that pertain to The Access Learning Academy. The following rules are highly emphasized and must be adhered to upon entry into the program.
Students will participate and complete all aspects of their Individualized Service Plan (ISP).
Prompt arrival and good attendance are musts and unexcused absences will not be tolerated. In the event that it is necessary for a student to be absent, a parent or guardian must call The Access Learning Academy to report the student absence by 9:00 am.
Students are expected to stay on task and work on their APEX in a timely manner.
Instances of disrespectfulness or defiant and disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.
Students who chose not to adhere to established guidelines and policies will be returned to their respective school for further disposition.
Rules and Reminders
Be respectful to staff at all times.
Music can be listened to only with headphones/earbuds.
Students may text and play games on their cell phones during breaks only.
No tobacco, tobacco products or tobacco paraphernalia is allowed on school grounds.
Use appropriate language at all times.
No sexual or racial conversations.
Do not throw objects in the classroom.
Do not touch other people or their property without permission.
Use only approved websites (No Social Media, YouTube, etc.)
Hoods and bandanas may not be worn in the facilities.
Pants and short must be pulled up and on the hip.
All students must meet with a staff for weekly goal setting.